“Brendan Demet has chased the sound of music his entire life.”

— Mike Holloway, Shepherd Express

A musical handyman, Demet is equally versed in improvising and composing, performing solo and in ensembles, leading and accompanying, both on stage and in the studio.

2020 saw the release of Demet’s first solo album “B-25” on his own Riverwest Records label.

“That album takes elements of jazz and fuses them with rock and pop sentiments spread over seven tracks, with Demet performing every instrument as well as vocals. It’s an album that at times sounds like it would pair perfectly with a cocktail at The Jazz Estate, but at others it exceeds that atmosphere with rambunctious outbursts.” — Mike Holloway, Shepherd Express

Graduated from Lawrence University's Conservatory of Music in 2016 with a Bachelor of Music in Contemporary Improvisation, a self-designed major. Studied with Steve Peplin and Matt Turner.

Founded KIN FEST, an original music festival in Milwaukee, WI.

Co-founded Evergreen in 2010, touring Wisconsin, Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, and Iowa, and releasing two self-produced albums.